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The Rabin Cone Test

a revolutionary new color vision test

Rabin Cone Test

Detects both hereditary and acquired color vision loss

Using a combination of color and contrast, the Rabin Cone Contrast test is a quantifiable measure of color vision, allowing detection of both hereditary and acquired color vision loss.

Explains cone operation

What sets the Rabin Cone Contrast Test apart is that it tests more than a confusion between red and green. The cones in your eye determine how you perceive the color and RCCT explains how well these cones are operating.

Individually scored cone function

The test presents colors that only use one of your three cone types and shows the color progressively fainter to individually score how the cones are functioning.

img 01With routine Cone Contrast Testing, early detection may prevent permanent damage normally associated with these leading eye diseases.

Approved by the Surgeon General as the Gold Standard for color vision testing for the US Air Force, Innova’s CCT uses cone sensitivity threshold testing to accurately detect shifts that may indicate the onset of eye disease.

Unlike other color vision tests, the Rabin Cone Contrast Test measures the severity of cone function loss, and tracks cone function over time, aiding in detection of disease as well as monitoring disease progression and efficacy of treatment.

For example, if you have Dry AMD, the cones in your eye degenerate. The Rabin Cone Contrast Test allows us to see how much damage AMD has done to your eye or determine the stage of the disease.

Letter Test Results

Letter Test Result

Small change, huge difference...

A more natural solution...

A facial for my eyes...

Easy to use...

Amazed in 8 days!